DAT210x - Programming with Python for DS

Module3 - Lab3

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import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib

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# Look pretty...

# matplotlib.style.use('ggplot')

Load up the wheat seeds dataset into a dataframe. We've stored a copy in the Datasets directory.

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# .. your code here ..

Create a new 3D subplot using figure fig, which we've defined for you below. Use that subplot to draw a 3D scatter plot using the area, perimeter, and asymmetry features. Be sure so use the optional display parameter c='red', and also label your axes:

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fig = plt.figure()

# .. your code here ..

Create another 3D subplot using fig. Then use the subplot to graph a 3D scatter plot of the width, groove, and length features. Be sure so use the optional display parameter c='green', and be sure to label your axes:

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fig = plt.figure()

# .. your code here ..

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# Finally, display the graphs:

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